PLC Name: Language Learners
PLC Members:
Diana, Mike
PLC Focus and Essential Question:
Principle 1: Teachers are Designers of Learning
Problem: We are working with English Language Learners as well as students that are significantly below grade level in reading and writing (4 grades below).
Question: How do infuse an inquiry-based model and still “Focus on the Hard Parts” to maximize student achievement?
Goals & Strategic Plan
Overarching Long Term Goal
To achieve level four on the Effective Teacher Practices Rubric under the category “Teachers Are Designers of Learning”.
Goal & Descriptor of Success
Long Term Goal Diana: To have students create a conversational board game to help the next generation of English Language Learners within our school community. Students will also create a restaurant scenario where they will listen and respond verbally to orders.
Short Term Goal Diana: To create opportunities for T and R to experiment with conversational English.
Professional Development:
-Review and understand the Listening and Speaking Proficiency benchmarks.
-discuss how to break the project into smaller pieces (making it manageable).
-found: menus, made cards, etc.
Sources for PD:
-We will get information from the ESL Proficiency Benchmark tracking sheets.
-Refer to the Effective Teaching Practices Rubric.
Support Needed:
-Consultation with teachers around time, lending students for the role-playing day, etc.
-Consider optimal environments
-Ask teachers to observe if their conversation in class is increasing.
Data Collection:
-Voice recordings and video recordings will be needed to gauge progress and to decide next steps.
-Anecdotal notes about the amount of conversation taking place (need to maximize speaking).
-Notes from teachers about conversation in class.
Action Plan
PLC Actions (include whom and by when?)
Initial Tasks:
-develop a sample game for students to use as conversational starters.
-find appropriate menus
-chat with teachers about students’ conversational levels during class time.
-create a tracking sheet (super easy-peasy).
-use conversation starters with students and bring feedback.
-get feedback from students about game modifications (game board? What would it look like?).
- 2-4 lessons using the pre-created conversation starters. Bring back to PLC, made modifications.
- 4-6 lessons students bring cameras home and photograph their food (for a week or so).
- Students go through samples of menus.
- Students write descriptors for their menu.
- 6-8 Students create a menu.
- 8-10 Students practice being waiters in their restaurant.
- 11-12 Students bring in friends at recess and serve them.
- 12-14 Develop a conversational board game of some kind.
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