Wednesday, 22 May 2013

May 15- PLC (Active Exploration: Math)

Wednesday May 15 – PLC

We took a look at math activities that Katrina and Brittany tried with their math groups.  We discussed the task, the successes and challenges, suggestions for growth and the next steps that could be taken.

-       Fractions to decimals challenge
-       ½ of the class is working on this challenge while the other is doing the Lego challenge in Learning Commons
-       Learning to say fractions, draw fractions on grid paper and then convert to a decimal
-       Relating it back to area and perimeter (previous lessons/sequencing)
-       Do the students have success with so much switching between groups and concepts?
-       They are continuing with lessons, but having a week break from new lessons is tricky
-       Having a lessons being taught by one teacher and then challenge being organized by another teacher… going back and forth can cause chaos in the classroom.
-       Can you plan an activity that takes all week? Creating extension for students.
-       Key to success is being able to follow up with students after lesson plans.

-       Working on the foundations of fractions – anchor chart, review
-       Creating art with fractions. Writing our name and writing fractions. Ex. 2/5 letters are vowels.
-       Extending fractions into science. Creating a design on a plane using fractions. Ex. 3/10 of the plane must be grey, ½ of the page must be blue.
-       Current project, 2D and 3D shapes.
-       Began with iPads using geo-board. Review of lines and vertices.
-       Next step… creating shapes using marshmallows and toothpicks. Using iPads to explain sides and vertices.
-       Ability grouping is very successful
-       Interactive lessons using art, iPads and going outside allow students to feel successful
-       Cooking…. Great way to reinforce fractions!

What to do with kids who finish early?
-       Extension questions

Number of the Day
-       Give students a strip of paper with different numbers for them to complete until the end of the year
-       Switching up the chart using Post-It notes

Next PLC: 
-members will bring student work and discuss the successes/challenges of a new math task tried with students

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